Mae Alice Reggy, is an African-American missionary, evangelist and educator. She lived in Africa for 28 years and worked with the United Bible Societies (UBS) as Literacy Consultant for Africa. She also served as UBS representative to UNESCO (Education for All) and traveled on short-term work-related trips to more than 55 countries around the world. Dr. Mae has a BA degree from Rutgers University, an MA degree in Education from Howard University and a PhD in Education from University of Maryland. She has authored several books including Christian Ethics (2010), Silent No More: Women in Ministry Reclaiming the Leader Within (2011) and she has contributed to The Women’s Study New Testament (1995), the Africa Bible Commentary (2006) and Mission for the Global Church: An Ethnodoxology Handbook (2013). She is listed in the Circle of African Women Theologians (1998) and Outstanding Scholars of Twentieth Century (2000). She presently serves on the Adjunct at Beulah Heights University in Atlanta, GA where she teaches courses on missions and cross-cultural communication. She is an ordained Pentecostal minister at Grace Church International, Atlanta, GA giving oversight to missions and multi-cultural ministry. Having taken all required courses, and passed the GA State Insurance Exam, she is passionate about the insurance industry. And having been a pastor's daughter in a small storefront church, she knows the need and hopes to help pastors and others in our community develop viable life insurance and retirement plans.